Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Three dozen and counting!

Now, normally at a VBS in the kind of towns we go to, we expect 18-20 kids- and often we don't even get that many. Lovilia had 30 on the first day, and today we had 36! This being the first week, we are still working out some of the bugs. But, DVDs that skip offer natural pauses for discussion, easels that collapse let eager volunteers hold the song sheets (and other volunteers demonstrate their fix-it abilities...thanks, Bill....), and glue that doesn't stick at first leads to lessons in patience.

Still, I'm hoping that next week will get easier once we've learned from this week. My favorite part of leading VBS is usually finding a fun way to tell the Bible story, and somehow I'm having creative block with that this year. But I think the selections are a little different this year, too- lots of Old Testament Jewish festivals (teaching kindergarteners about Leviticus? Really?), but they do a nice job now of using that information to set the stage for stories about Jesus and what happened when he celebrated those festivals. (Hint: He tended to shake things up.)

Anyway, regardless of the details of what does or doesn't go exactly as planned, the main idea is that the kids are hearing about God and learning more about how much He loves us and what we do in response to that. I trust that God is helping them hear that message even through those of us who feel a little frazzled.

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