Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mobile United Methodist Missionaries- Take 3

This is the third summer I've worked as an intern/assistant/Peg's sidekick helping out with the Vacation Bible Schools she takes to an assortment of rural Iowa towns. I decided it was time to create a blog to share all the fun stories we accumulate and share the message of what it is that we do. So far this summer, we've been working hard preparing everything for VBS. You don't think about how much prep work goes into something like this until you're sitting there cutting 70 planets out of posterboard and punching holes into pie tins destined to be tambourines (many thanks to Peg's husband Larry, who helped with the pie tins. They're hard to punch!) Packed up into the van right now are: models of all of the crafts with neatly labeled boxes containing supplies for each day, a box of Bibles, worksheets/fun pages for classtime, games, a fantastic looking puppet stand, a green astronaut gorilla named Galileo (who's pictured here helping me make copies), an easel, beautiful hand-made song sheets (the company has switched from making song sheets to PowerPoint slides now, which would be wonderful if we had a projector and someplace to project in all the small churches we go to), and many other things. Throw in the kitchen sink, and we're ready to go!

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