Thursday, January 2, 2020

Freebie! Church Member Connect Four

So, my church has been doing a book study on the book Growing Young, and we've been discussing some small steps we can take to bring our church family closer together, especially across generations. One of the things we came up with (no surprise to this teacher/camp counselor) were some icebreakers! Yes, go right ahead and roll your eyes, but this is a useful thing. I sometimes give my own family a hard time when we go to ice cream (anti-)socials- you go, you start your own table so you can sit with the people you came with, you eat your ice cream, and you go home. It's often the same at church fellowship time.

Something is missing here.

In an effort to get people up talking to those folks who sit clear across the room, here is a connect four game. We're going to use it this Sunday at the church potluck, so some of the questions are a little holiday-themed. I'm happy to send you a version you can edit if you leave a comment here or message Mobile United Methodist Missionaries on Facebook. If you try it out, I'd love to hear how it goes!

Happy New Year!

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