Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Surfin' Into VBS Season!

The beginning of summer always seems a little crazy- there were absolutely zero days of break between my last day of school, Annual Conference, and the start of VBS- but Paige and I had a great VBS in the park. We had ten different kids over the course of the week, as well as one adorable junior surfer that Paige brought, very appropriately, the day we learned the story of the surfing baby. The puppet script writers are really on top of their game this year. If you are wondering how on earth you missed the story of the surfing baby, check out Exodus 2

I’ve been very involved with the Change a Child’s Story movement (find out more here or here) so I was a little disgusted with myself that I didn’t have books to give these kids, but I just didn’t get it organized this year. (In addition to the zero breaks between school, conference, and VBS, the very next day after Bible school was when I planned to move to a new apartment.) However, God is always reminding me that He’s got this under control. On the last day we walked up to the school for the summer lunch program, what did we find but boxes labeled “Free Books”! Volunteer Kelly and I, both children’s books afficianados, had fun recommending such delights as And The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon  and Parents in the Pigpen, Pigs in the Tub and watching kids take them right out of our hands. 

Something I love about this Bible school, especially now that we’ve been doing it a few years, is the feeling of family. Now this is largely due to the fact that a lot of my actual family helps, but for a few days, my actual family, my church family, and my neighborhood family- we all become church family. They are my faith community. We come together to worship a loving God, enjoy each others’ company, and bring old, important stories to life by participating in the telling of them. And that, Charlie Brown, is what Vacation Bible School is all about...

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